mercoledì 26 gennaio 2011

The very first poem I learnt by heart!

Ci Vuol Così Poco a Farsi Voler Bene!

Ci vuol così poco a farsi voler bene

una parola detta quando conviene

un po' di gentilezza
una sola carezza
un semplice sorriso che ti baleni il viso
 il cuore sempre aperto per ognuno che viene

Ci vuol così poco a farsi voler bene!

martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Cross Country

Hello again,
Until the moment I'll find the option to fit my flickr account in this blog, please bear with me and enjoy the picture of the place I have been last week end with my cross country Alpini group! Obviously I am in the beginners' group!


Hi Everybody,

I have started this blog today on the day of my 32th birthday to keep updated - myself first - and whoever might be interested on my daily life and activities concentrating, as the name of the blog, to the (k)nitty gritty of things... the K as many of you have guessed stands for one of my favourite hobbies, knitting!!!

Firstly I'll follow the development of my frst serious knitting project: a sweater!!! Let's hope I'll finish it before 2012... ;-)

Be back soon with pictures and new details.

Marcella ;-)